Ongoing Activities
- In-House Seminars (diverse topics)
- Community education and networking
- Volunteering and providing support in the community
- Mentoring in schools
- Social activities including crafts, games, lunches, outings and celebrations
- Weekly meetings are held every Monday afternoon in Mississauga West
Annual Events
- Black History Event - February
- Spring Brunch – June
- Annual Bursary Award - June
- Summer Picnic – July
- Christmas Dinner Dance – November
Upcoming Events
- Black History Event – February 25, 2019
- Caribbean Breakfast – March 30, 2019
- PFWSS Annual Spring Brunch – June 23rd 2019
- Annual Bursary Award
- Summer Picnic
- Annual Christmas Dinner Dance
Past Events
- Niagara Falls ‘Festival of Lights’ bus trip
- Washington Coach Tour
- ‘Come From Away’ Musical – Lunch and Show
- Caribbean Breakfast Fundraiser
- Black History Celebration Lunch
- A Tea party
- Bus Trip to Chatham Underground Railroad
- Historic Niagara Bus Trip
- 30,000 Islands Penetanguishene Boat Cruise
Seminar Series funded by the Government of Ontario’s Seniors Community Grant Program
- Learning Together: Seniors from Diverse Caribbean Communities in Peel Talk About Health.
Media Release Caribbean Seniors Learning Together - PDF
PFWSS Health Talk Alzheimer's - PDF
PFWSS General Health Talk Flyer - PDF
March 2015 Free Health Workshops for Caribbean Seniors - PDF
- Understanding Alzheimer's: Keeping your brain healthy and warning signs - December 1, 2014
- Living in Wellness: Preventing and Managing Diabetes - January 21, 2015
- Simple Tips for Staying Healthy: Heart condition, arthritic pain, diabetes and more - January 26, 2015
- Living with Stress: Understand the key concepts of stress management and how to put this information to use - February 23, 2015
- Socasize: Do you want to feel better and have more energy? Get a jump start with Socacize. Suitable for all sizes, genders and abilities - March 2, 2015
- Protecting Your Health: Heart Disease and Stroke, signs and symptoms, risk factors, and methods of prevention – March 9, 2015 in Mississauga
Seminars sponsored by the Government of Canada, Status of Women
- Recharge and Take Charge
- Empowering and Strengthening Senior Women for Improved Health
In House Seminars on a variety of topics some of which were:
- Health and Well Being - Sickle Cell Anemia, Blindness, Arthritis, Epilepsy, Healthy Sexuality after 60 & HIV Prevention, Prostate Health, Caring for Seniors at Home, Eye Care
- Our environment - Reliable Independent Living at Home, Decluttering and Downsizing
- Awareness - Fraud Prevention, The Law and Seniors, Elder Abuse, Ageism, Wills, Executors and final planning
- General Interest - Art and the Role it plays in lives of participants, Travel Preparedness
Social activities - Trips, Boat Cruises, Festivals, Lunches
Black History Celebrations
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